Monday 27 April 2015

Has General Practice passed the tipping point?

Is this the future?

Unless something dramatic or revolutionary happens at the Department of Health after the election have we seen the end of General Practice as we know it?

Here are three possible scenarios.

Scenario 1.

GPs become consultants in the management of patients with complex and unsorted symptoms. Everything else i.e. minor illnesses, uncomplicated long term conditions, social issues, work related problems, etc. will be managed by other members of the Primary Care Team: Pharmacists, advanced nurse practitioners and physician assistants.

The GP will assess, investigate and sort out patients presenting with undifferentiated symptoms and look after patients with multiple co-morbidities and complex needs.
Patients will no longer have direct access to a GP.

Scenario 2

GPs will become disease specific consultants working in the community.  All acute patients will be managed by pharmacists, NHS 11, nurse clinics & physician assistants.
 Patients will no longer have direct access to a GP.

Scenario 3

Co-payments. Patients will pay for their primary care, perhaps with government paying for a set number of  consultations per year.

Personally I do not think that civil servants and politicians do ‘revolutionary’!

I am sure there are others scenarios.  Please suggest some.

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